عامر عياد – Amer Ayed

English Below
: قامت قوات الشرطة بإلقاء القبض على الصحفي عامر عياد واتهامه بارتكاب أمر موحش ضد رئيس الدولة والتحريض على العصيان. إثر تقديمه لبرنامج تلفزي ألقى فيه قصيدة شعر نقد فيها قرارات رئيس الجمهورية قيس سعيد.  

معلومات شخصية:

الاسم: عامر عياد

الجنسية: تونسية

المهنة: إعلامي بقناة تلفزية

التهم: ارتكاب أمر موحش ضد رئيس الدولة والتحريض على العصيان (قضية عسكرية)

أحداث الانتهاك:

عامر عياد إعلامي ومقدم برامج بقناة الزيتونة، في حلقته الأخيرة من برنامج حصاد 24 وهو برنامج معني بالشأن السياسي في تونس مع النائب عبد اللطيف العلوي. والذي وجه فيه الإعلامي عامر عياد انتقادات حادة لرئيس الجمهورية قيس سعيد ورئيسة الحكومة نجلاء بودن. ومعارضته لقرارات رئيس الجمهورية الأخيرة. ليتم على أثره ايقافه يوم 3 أكتوبر بإذن من النيابة العمومية بالمحكمة العسكرية الدائمة بتونس والابقاء عليه في حالة ايقاف إلى غاية يوم 5 اكتوبر 2021. حيث تم إصدار بطاقة إيداع بالسجن في حقه من قبل حاكم التحقيق الثاني بالمحكمة العسكرية وتوجيه جملة من التهم له تتعلق بالتحريض على العصيان وارتكاب أمر موحش في حق رئيس الجمهورية حسب رواية محاميه.


انتهاكات حقوق الإنسان: يعد القبض على الصحفي عامر عياد انتهاكا جسيما لحقوق الإنسان وتعديا على حرية الصحافة والتعبير التي نصت عليها المادة 19 من العهد الدولي الخاص بالحقوق المدنية والسياسية: ودستور الجمهورية في الفصل 30. كما أن مقاضاة مدني من قبل القضاء العسكري يمثل مسا من الحق في المحاكمة العادلة.

المصادر: استندت جمعية تقاطع في توثيق حالة الصحفي عامر عياد على بلاغ قناة الزيتونة وتصاريح محامي الضحية لوسائل الإعلام مع عدد من المقالات الصحفية.




Abderrazek Lachheb is a young man from the Agareb region in the Sfax governorate. He and the local youth participated in a protest against the decision to reopen the waste disposal site. However, they were repressed by the police using excessive and unjustified force, accompanied by the extensive use of tear gas, which led to several cases of suffocation, including Abderrazek, who later died due to suffocation and health deterioration caused by the tear gas.

Personal Information:

Name: Abderrazek Lachheb

Nationality: Tunisian

Occupation: Participant in the Agareb region

Incidents of Violation:

Abd Raazak is a young man from the Agareb region in the Sfax governorate. He died while participating in protests against the decision to reopen the waste disposal site due to the use of public force. The landfill had been closed for more than two years by a judicial order due to the severe environmental damage and its impact on the area’s residents. Following the outbreak of the protests on the night of November 8, 2021, as well as the residents of the Agareb delegation taking the National Highway 1 to protest against the decision to reopen the landfill, they were met by the police using excessive and unjustified force, accompanied by severe violence towards unarmed civilians. This was accompanied by the extensive use of tear gas, which, despite its density, was found to be expired, making it more hazardous, according to many witnesses.

Therefore, numerous cases of suffocation occurred, including the case of Abderrazek, around whom there were conflicting accounts of the causes of his death. The residents of the area and people close to him who had participated in the protest confirmed that Abderrazek fainted because of the extensive gas due to disperse the protesters, hence the need to take him to the hospital where he passed away. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Interior, in a statement released on the same night via its official Facebook page t, denied the connection to Abderrazek’s death, insisting that it was a natural death due to a heart crisis according to the preliminary forensic report.

A witness to the incident confirmed that Abderrazek Lachheb was present at the protest with a group of young people who gathered to oppose the decision to reopen the landfill. During the gas release of tear gas, Abderrazek experienced difficulty breathing, which obliged him to leave, moving down the street with the other residents, only once again to feel a shortness of breath, and within moments, he lost consciousness.

Abderrazek remained unconscious at the protest site, surrounded by concerned individuals checking on his condition, which did not seem critical by then. A car was found to transport him to the hospital, accompanied by his cousin and brother. On the way, the vehicle was stopped by the police for identity and document verification for about ten minutes. The witness reported that the police officers were informed of Abderrazek’s health condition, but they did not show any concern. Subsequently, they forced his eighteen-year-old cousin out of the car and took him to the police station for interrogation about his participation in the protest without the presence of his lawyer or his rights guaranteed by Law No.5. Furthermore, he was obliged to sign a report without his consent, which was revealed it was about stating that Abderrazek had been brought from his home after his health deteriorated. Accordingly, the Ministry of Interior released a statement very quickly, insisting that Abderrazek had died under natural circumstances. Thus, the content of the statement contradicted the testimonies of those present and close to Abderrazek, whose accounts confirmed the opposite.

Human Rights Violations:

Abderrazek’s case constitutes a blatant violation of human rights. In fact, the right to freedom of assembly is guaranteed by the Tunisian constitution and other international conventions. In addition, the basic principle of the United Nations regarding the use of public force is that law enforcement officials should use non-violent means to the greatest extent possible before resorting to the use of force, which was a principle that was not abided by in dealing with the protests in the Agareb region. This is apparent in the number of officers present, their approach towards protesters, and the density of the tear gas used, which resulted in numerous cases of suffocation, eventually leading to the death of Abderrazek.


To document this case, Intersection Association relied on the testimony of civil society activists in the region of Agareb and statements of Agareb residents and close individuals of the victim, Abderrazek Lachheb.
