Express Yourself and Let the 54 Guess

To access the Comic book, please click on this link.

The Observatory on Violations of Freedom of Opinion and Expression published a Comic book titled “Express Yourself and Let the 54 Guess” in its Tunisian and English versions.
This Comic Book simplifies decree no 54 for combating crimes related to information and communication systems, promulgated on the 13th of September 2022, and law no. 5 of 2016 on the revision and completion of specific provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure, which sets out the defendant’s rights for the duration of his detention, promulgated on the 16th of February 2016.

This simplification aims to facilitate all the procedures provided in the Decree, enabling every citizen to know his rights in case of arrest and retention based on Decree 54.
The Comic book begins by mentioning what the Constitution provides for protecting rights and freedoms, then explains the crimes to which Decree 54 of 2022 relates. The Comic book, therefore, clarifies the rights that law no. 5 of 2016 guarantees to detainees.

To access the Comic book, please click on this link.
